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Presentations & Workshops

Presentations are one to two hours long.
Workshops are in-depth concentrations
of instruction, 
practice and information
offered in one-day, two-day or
three-day formats.


Understanding Dynamic Composition

Susan shares her flair for award-winning, dynamic compositions with a personable and light-humored approach, Presentations and workshops open with an informative slide lecture of her artwork in which she reveals her best compositional "confessions." Presentation and workshop both include an easy-to-understand easel demonstration of the major and minor compositional elements critical to successful composition. A step-by-step guided practice session will follow.

Using Color With Freedom and Success

If you enjoy playing with the energizing effects of color or want to know how colors mix, balance, or relate on an emotional and psycholoical level, this informative hands-on fun experience is for you. Susan's versatility, expertise and command of color has been achieved from working 30 years as a professional artist and from studying with other nationally acclaimed artists. Presentations and workshops are suitable for people with or without any art experience. You will learn how to use color more creatively, effectively, or therapeutically in your life. The workshop will expand upon the understanding and using the color wheel, pigment vs. light spectrum, mixing colors, understanding the vibration of colors and its effects, Case studies, Color/ Eye- activities, understanding the emotional/ psychological aspect of color, color quiz games and activities.


Keys to Drawing with Ease and Confidence

Susan has been teaching drawing for more than 20 years. Her students have affectionately referred to her as "graphite queen." Using and easel and black marker she will demonstrate "4 ways to create depth", "3 methods of sighting ", "how to effectively drawing circles, spheres, ellipses","the character of shadows". The workshop will also include one, two and three point perspective, creating volume, how to make shiny objects and glass "zing." Lots of hands- on practicing opportunities. Those who are comfortable may also work independently.

The Creative Path

Susan has been teaching "The Creative Path" at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts in Michigan since fall 2000. This eye-opening and enriching course is now available as a presentation or workshop and is for anyone who is interested in discovering, recovering or increasing their creative powers. You will be fascinated and uplifted as Susan shares her highly unique creative journey as an artist and as a person. Art activities and creative dramatics are an integral part of this programs creative process, so come prepared to play and have fun.

Oil Painting Workshop

(Three day workshop only) This workshop is geared for both beginner and advanced painters who are interested in learning or advancing their skills in painting more realistically. Methods and techniques of the Old Masters of the Renaissance will be taught. Each student will receive individual helps, instruction and tips. Discussion of the painter's tools, palette, selecting subject matter will be available to the novice painter. Students may start a new painting or continue with a work in progress, they also may bring finished or other ongoing works to class for constructive helps.


Contact Susan for more information.

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©2020 by Susan Teague Art.  Created by BME Design.

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